Where to grab the files without the launcher/patcher * Due to file size limitations we are unable to post the files here on the workshop (200MB limit) so we created a launcher/patcher that will allow you to grab all the files you require to join on our servers. * Like all A3Wasteland releases, you are welcome to fork-us on GitHub and run your own version of the mission: TAC-X #1 server is running A3Wasteland Chernarus v2.3 TopArma #6 is running A3Wasteland Chernarus v2.1 Servers (you can search for these servers in your arma browser) This allows you to use those same mods in other mods/game types that come out. Unlike the Samatra Wasteland version which has unsigned, modified mod files (which may be unsafe), we are running our mission using the native files from the original authors. Some of you may have played Samatra's Wasteland Chernarus, but A3Wasteland takes this to a whole new level with additional vehicles, weapons, gun stores, player saving, ear plugs, and much more! Arma 3 - A3Wasteland Chernarus v2.3 is now available running RHS v3.7, HLC weapons, All In Arma Terrain Pack, and ASDG Joint Rails!